Lisa D. González
Administrative Assistant
516-627-9350 Ext 121
Email: lgonzalez@gnyc.org

Communication influences every aspect of life. It is part and parcel of every department of the church.
Departmental personnel assist the administrators and other church leaders in communicating organizational policies, news, and church information to church members, church employees and the public at large.
The department also is the primary church entity that develops a positive image with the public to create an openness to the gospel.
This is accomplished through a network of conference and local church communication directors.
Communication Links:
Communication Directors Ministry Description
Nonprofit Leadership Certification Communication and Marketing presentation by Rohann Wellington
Society of Adventist Communicators
Seventh-day Adventist Church Logo Kit
Additional links:
Events Around Greater New York Conference
Communication Workshop 2017GNYC Adventist News
Ministers Technology Conference 2016
Media and Production Links