Welcome to the Greater New York Treasury Department!
The Greater New York Treasury Department provides administrative and financial leadership to the Greater New York Conference. We are entrusted with the Stewardship of all funds that all our constituent churches send to our Conference. Our Treasury Department develops and monitors the operating budget for the Greater New York Conference. We are responsible to ensure that all funds received at the Conference are faithfully expended in accordance to the purpose that the funds are sent to the Conference.
We thank you for taking time to visit our website. We are here to serve our members throughout the Greater New York Conference. We welcome any comments or suggestions that you, our members, may bring to our attention in order for us to serve you better and more efficiently. You, our members, are the most important component of our Conference; therefore, we are committed to ensure that the Treasury Department of the Greater New York Conference operates responsibly in all of its financial operations and that we, above all, be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ with all that He has entrusted us as his Stewards.

Name: Ysaias Javier
Email: Yjavier@gnyc.org
Phone: 516-627-9350

Administrative Assistant
Name: Sandra Salas
Email: ssalas@gnyc.org
Phone: 516-627-9350 Ext. 125
Treasury Staff

Name: Mathulde Dupont
Email: mdupont@gnyc.org

Assistant Auditor
Name: Eddy De La Cruze
Email: edelacruze@gnyc.org

Financial Controller
Name: Margo Lee
Email: mlee@gnyc.org
Phone: 516-627-9350 Ext. 179

Associate Treasurer
Name: Arnovi Trejos
Email: atrejos@gnyc.org
Phone: 516-627-9350 Ext. 174

Staff Accountant
Name: Dora Trejos
Email: dtrejos@gnyc.org
Phone: 516-627-9350 Ext. 134

Staff Accountant
Name: Delrita Cañas
Phone: 516-467-5060 Ext. 177
Church Deposit of Tithe and Offering Click here